Celebrating Culture + Diversity in Chatham-Kent
Taste of Chatham-Kent is a multi-week celebration of cultural diversity in Chatham-Kent. The TOCK Committee is inviting cultural associations, businesses, and community groups to showcase their culture during the TOCK celebration this summer.
Proudly founded and organized by the Taste of Chatham Kent committee in partnership with the Municipality of Chatham Kent.
Get Involved
Participation is easy. Tell us about your cultural event or activity and we’ll help you get the word out.
If you are planning a dance performance, live music, a special night at your restaurant, hosting an open house, or planning an activity to showcase your cultural heritage, let us know the details through the info@tasteofchathamkent.ca and we will add it to the TOCK line-up and work with you to spread awareness throughout the community.
Do you have an event you would like to showcase with us? Register here.
The Schedule
More events coming soon! Please check back often for updates.
The events run from July 27th to September 30th. Take a look at the schedule below!
You can filter to a specific community below.